
Born Thy People To Deliver

She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people
from their sins. —Matthew 1:21

When I was an ambitious 20 year old, fresh out of college, I hired a life coach and to help me create a life statement. This document included my vision, mission, core values, short and long term goals. My little optimistic and naïve heart was full of big plans for my life. I was focused on my perceived strengths and what I believed I could do and become in this world.

Every year around this time I sit down and read the plan that I penned in my early 20s. Much of what I wanted to accomplish has yet to manifest. I am no longer the naïve 20 something year old woman. My hair as added a few grey strands, my once toned frame has cellulite in all the wrong places, and my heart has tasted disappointment in ways I never thought I would.

My life has not gone the way I expected it to but God has made it unexpectedly beautiful. What I didn’t know in my 20s that I know now is that God’s plan for humanity is far greater than anything we could create on our own. His master plan is a love story that entails the relentless pursuit of a broken and sinful people.

God pursued me in my naivety and invited me to surrender to the plan He had for my life. This required I give Him my perceived strengths and my weaknesses so that He could use them in the way He desired. As a result, He took an insecure little girl from a single parent household, who grew into a woman with low self-esteem, and He made her an example of his overwhelming grace. He freely offers this grace to everyone.

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